Microscale 3D Printing - Technology Landscape Overview 2023

Screenshot of Exaddon's 2023 landscape analysis of microscale additive manufacturing providers.
Exaddon's 2023 landscape analysis of microscale additive manufacturing providers.

In 2021, we conducted an analysis of additive manufacturing (AM) companies operating at the microscale range. 

We wanted to see what technologies existed within the same space as Exaddon, whether the use cases were similar, and whether the electrochemical deposition process used within our CERES system was unique within the additive micromanufacturing (µAM) market. 

Two years on, we surveyed the same providers from the original matrix as well as any new entrants to the market. For some of these, little information is available. Whilst there are some new providers, and some have fallen away, the manufacturers are largely the same as in 2021. 

Microscale AM remains a strong force in fundamental research and academia, enabling unique developments in many fields. As technologies have matured, some companies are making a move beyond research and rapid prototyping applications, and into industrial applications (Exaddon, Nano Dimension, Nanoscribe, among others). 

This overview provides a graphic matrix, followed by a brief description of each company’s technology, including method of printing, materials used, object size range, and other relevant dimensions. Conclusions from our analysis are on the final page.

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