CAPA 4.2.1

Version 4.2.1 includes the same number of features as version 4.2.0. It contains fixes and improvements and provides a better user experience.

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Main new features:

CAPA 4.2.0:
- Live View
- Collision Checker

VCG 2.4:
- Preview of Object Collection shown in Substrate Overview
- Auto-update of Object Collection preview upon relevant change
- Auto-update of the Substrate Overview on Substrate Name change
- Auto-update of the Substrate Overview on Substrate Name change
- Auto-update of the Substrate Overview on Printing Chamber or Grid change
- Display the edge of the printable area in the Substrate Overview


CAPA 4.2.0:

1.     Live View           

The live view shows the printing progress in real-time. In the live view, the structure is represented as a set of voxels that will be printed. A large sphere represents the current voxel position. As the print progresses, the color of the represented voxels changes. The displayed voxel color depends on its printing status: green if the voxel is printed in a regular way, yellow if in a redundant way, or purple if a collision voxel was detected.

In the live view window, one can find important live print data. The live view shows the elapsed time and the estimated remaining time of the print. The current voxel count, the mean voxel time, and the time in which the latest voxel was printed are also presented. The X, Y, and Z axis positions of the voxel that is currently being printed are shown.


2.    Collision Checker

The collision checker makes sure that a print file can be printed without the cantilever colliding with other printed structures. The collision checker is by default disabled; it can be enabled by clicking on the “collision checker” checkbox in the 3D Printing workflow.

When the collision checker is enabled, it starts checking from the first loaded file and then file by file continues until the end. It checks if there will be a collision with the already printed structures, as well as with the other structures that are supposed to be printed before the file that is currently under collision check. When the printing process of a certain file is finished, in the case of unprinted voxels, the collision checker makes recalculations.

Eventually, please note that in case of rotation of the printing files, the collision checker is disabled.

VCG 2.4:

1.      Print File Generator

This tab has been improved for smoother usage. The structure in the Object Collection is now immediately shown in the Substrate Overview and the preview is automatically updated upon change. In addition, the Substrate Overview is more interactive: upon changing the Substrate Name, Printing Chamber, or Grid, the overview is automatically updated and will display the printable area.

The Substrate Overview now gives a preview of the Object that is in the Object Collection figure. The Substrate Overview also shows a red circle indicating the border of the accessible area in the printing chamber. Objects placed outside the red circle cannot be printed by CAPA.

2.     Log Viewer

More intuitive GUI for faster usage. The buttons 'Fetch' and 'Merge' are now the button 'Fetch & Merge’. It takes only one click to fetch and merge all log files.

In addition, a new feature is available: Save Space. This feature deletes .txt and .csv files in case you are running out of space and need to delete files while maintaining .mat files.

Lastly, the 'Plot Substrate' function has been improved for optimal visualization of the printed structure.

3.      Iontip Calibrator

The fitting range of the experimental data in the Speed-Pressure relation is automatically reduced in case redundant data points are foundThe data points that are excluded from the fit are now indicated on the plot with an empty square. In addition, the y-axis in the Volume-Pressure plot now automatically rescales. 

How to Install CAPA 4.2.1

Release Date: 2023-08-17

To install CAPA 4.2.1, please follow the steps below in the shown order.

1. Download .zip File 

To download the .zip file containing updates for CAPA, the firmware of the CERES controller, and the VCG, click  here.

This .zip file includes the following files:

- afmctrl_4.7.1.bin

- CAPA 4.2.1.msi


- README.txt

2. Consult Release Notes

The changes included in this update can be found here

3. Begin Installation    

Log in to the CERES control computer with the Exaddon Maintenance account to install the update.

4. Install CAPA

Execute CAPA 4.2.1.msi to install the newest CAPA update.

5. Install Firmware

After updating CAPA, run the Firmware Updater to install the newest firmware version afmctrl_4.7.1.bin of the CERES control system.

Please refer to the user manual on how to update the firmware in detail.

6. Install VCG

To use VCG 2.4, update your MATLAB installation to MATLAB 2022b (recommended, but also supported are 2021b and r2022a).   

Go to the installation directory of the Exaddon VCG. The VCG is usually located in D:\Exaddon\. Please delete ChamberList.txt and VCG.p from D:\Exaddon\. Also, delete the subfolder called VCG. All the other folders should not be touched. 

Unzip the file and copy its content to D:\Exaddon\. If asked, choose to overwrite all files in the copying process. The new version of VCG.p should now be located in D:\Exaddon\. The new VCG folder should be a subfolder of D:\Exaddon\.

7. Installation Complete

The CAPA 4.2.1 software update is complete. You can continue printing with enhanced functionality!